Aeon Timeline…Escapes Me

I am the “IT” guy in my house. No lie. When someone can’t get their computer to behave or their print spool is spinning out of control or a router needs diagnostic care – they call on me. Now, keep in mind that my husband is a software developer (nod, nod…that’s right…oh yeah). So, with this in mind, I find it incredibly frustrating (and just a little bit embarrassing) to admit that I am unable to figure out how to use Aeon Timeline. Sniff, sniff.

I downloaded Aeon Timeline – easy enough. Then I began to happily add arcs and events and entities to track my ever expanding outline. I was in love with this software!!! And then I wanted to make a change – to add a birthday to a personality – and I was stuck! Eventually I had to delete the entity and start over. Surely I must be missing a step, I thought.

For two full days I tried to develop a positive user relationship with Aeon. I re-read the manual, added calendars, watched tutorial videos – again, deleted calendars, searched the internet for other frustrated users, added more calendars, searched the internet for success stories, started (again) with new calendars, deleted those new calendars (again)…and then…I gave up. Sigh.

Muse: Do you need this software to write???
Me: Sigh. No.
Muse: Need I say more???
Me. No. Sigh.

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